Weeks ago, I took an old laptop and several 2.5′ and 3.5′ disks to Jinhua. There are tons of videos and pictures on those. I have a SATA to USB dock station, so those disks are be able to be connected to my laptop, the only thing needed is the appropriate NAS system. What I requires are:
- Use the most spaces on the disks, that means I need a tool to collected all spaces into one, tools like ZFS, mergerfs or other union file system. Mergerfs is suitable for the usb drivers.
- Appropriate backup or redundancy method, snapRaid is OK.
- Sleep function for the disks.
Since I am familiar with Linux and Debian, I would like to try OMV(openmediavalut) system on my old laptop, all of above requirements can be meet by the plugins.
The post will be updated when I finish the setup.